Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Watts Brewing Company

It's been awhile, but I'm finally brewing again ... this time at the new brewery!  We just got our last piece of the licensing wrapped up, the brewery is installed, and now we're ready to roll.  We're now brewing test batches and filling growlers at the brewery in Bothell, working towards an official launch of keg sales in summer 2016.

With all the work that goes into running a brewery--not just brewing but cellar work, repairs, sales, marketing, accounting, and everything else it takes--it's time to retire the blog.  A few of the things I've posted here like the Kolsch and the session ale will be reworked for release at the brewery, so If you want to see that evolution hopefully you can find them on tap soon.  Other projects like cider, fresh hop IPA's and blackberry wine will unfortunately be on hold for awhile.

Thank you to those of you who have followed the blog!  I hope you've found something interesting here over the last couple years.  It's been a fun adventure learning to brew and sharing the process, but now it's time for the next adventure.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Just Wait, It's Coming...

I know there haven't been many posts lately--I haven't brewed in months--but that's because I've been making serious progress on the new brewery.  The latest news is that the brewhouse is in and we're just putting the finishing touches on the control systems.  We have a little more work to do to get the brewery up and running, but should be brewing soon!  Stay tuned for an official launch date and where to find our beer.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

#42 Dark Mild #2 - Tasting

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

ABV: 3.3%
IBU: 15
Serving Temp: 38F
Carbonation: 2.6 vol
Grade: B

For all the struggles on brewday, this beer turned out pretty clean.  I thought this beer was lost after two clogged tubes in the lauter manifold, but we soldiered on and managed to get it into the boil kettle.  I'm glad we didn't give up because I love having a low alcohol dark beer on hand.  The recipe isn't perfect, I think I may be the only one who drinks it at this point, but it's a significant improvement over my last attempt at a mild.

This beer pours a nice dark brown, not quite stout-like, somewhere around a brown porter.  I'm serving this beer with more carbonation than your typical English ale--I have the XPA (extreme!) on tap on the other side which I don't want to serve flat--so it comes with a tasty-looking pile of tan foam.  Unfortunately it quickly dissipates, almost fizzing away.  There are many components that contribute to foam stability--Dr. Bamforth has a whole book on the subject--but I think this beer lacks the hop oil to bind the bubbles together.  There's only half an ounce in 5 gal, which isn't much.

As I take a sip, I notice the aroma is surprisingly strong on coffee, and the flavor initially follows as well.  I think the combination of all the roasted barley (and maybe the brown malt as well) gives it more edge than I anticipated.  But after that, I feel like the middle of this beer is kind of watery.  My more charitable friends go with "easy-drinking" ... but most stick with watery.  After that the finish isn't too bad.  The esters from the English yeast come out with a slight malt nuttiness, all smoothed together by the oats.

It seems like after being whipsawed between the coffee and the (ahem) "extreme drinkability," my tongue doesn't know what to think.  If I were to brew this again with the same intentions--a clean, chocolatey, low ABV beer with as much body as it can muster--I think I would scale back the roasted barley and remove the brown malt entirely to ease the coffee edge.  Instead I would add a bit more oats to improve the body and then load it up with Vienna malt.  In such a low gravity beer, it's hard to get enough malt flavor so that it doesn't taste watery like this edition was, and the Vienna packs a lot more maltiness than even the Maris Otter I used here.  I found this technique worked very well in my American session ale, and I think would be perfect for a malt focused beer like the mild.

But even that might not be enough to raise the body, so I would increase the OG as well.  We overshot the mash temperature (160F vs 156F) which was good because it dropped the attenuation down to 65%, resulting in only 3.3% ABV.  However, that opens the door for a littler more malt to bump it back up to maybe 3.7%.  That's still plenty low, and lets us pump up the flavor.

Once that's all in place, we can start looking at more subtle variables like yeast, hops, and water.

Yeast: The British Ale II yeast was nice, faintly estery, but not too much.  Of course I wonder how it would have gone with the Denny's 50 yeast, but it also whet my appetite for a more estery English mild.  I could definitely see raising the temp with this yeast and letting it run wild, maybe with a less roasty malt bill.

Hops:  Hops aren't the focus here, but it would be nice to have a few more to help the head retention.  Amarillo is pretty high alpha-acid, so swapping that for something lower would allow me to use more in the bittering edition without throwing off the flavor.  Overall bitterness was about right though.

Water:  What about adding some sodium?  I've never added much (if any) sodium to a water profile, but supposedly it can enhance the perception of fullness in a beer.  This seems like a good recipe to experiment with that.

So overall this was a decent beer, but the recipe isn't really there yet.  And to make matters worse, I think I'm the only one who really likes the style.  This reminded me how nice it is to have a dark, low alcohol beer to come home to, but nobody else really feels the same way.  I guess this probably won't be a recipe to put into production.

#33 Wild Pear-Apple Cider - Tasting

Recipe     -     Tasting

ABV: 6.2%
Grade: B+

As a homebrewer, this is one of those experiments that is just flat out cool.  I was able to take juice that was "going bad," and with the help of some microbes from ancient groves on the other side of the world, turn it into an interesting and tasty finished product.  It's certainly not perfect, but that's not keeping me from drinking it, and I learned a ton about cider making.

Now a note on the labeling.  I usually label each bottle with a batch number, then if I split it (like I did this one), I assign letters to the sub-batches.  The first one is usually what amounts to a control trial--the least adventurous ingredients or process, the one I'm most familiar with--with subsequent.  In this case, that was the half fermented with the English ale yeast, but I can't help think of the Spanish half first, so we'll start there.

Spanish Variant (33b):
When this was fresh, this was a really cool cider.  There was a crisp tartness from apples and wild bugs--not as biting as most cider from Asturias--that was balanced out by a touch of sweetness and the almost gritty tannin of the pears.  It all came together in a very tasty way.  Unfortunately, since then it has started to oxidize.  The crisp, brightness has been replaced by the cardboard/rat's nest kind of thing that just ruins a cider.  Interestingly enough, not all bottles have aged the same way; there are still a few here and there that remind me what this batch was like in its heyday ... and why I need to do this again next year.

English Variant (33a):
Uncarbonated, this was just kind of bland compared to the Spanish batch.  The ale yeast added a bit of esters that I always perceive as musty in cider, and didn't pop with a bright acidity from the wild yeast and bacteria.  However as it continued to mature, the smaller population of bacteria seemed to continue to work, bringing it closer--but not quite--to the Spanish half.  When it was fully carbonated it seemed to transform into a different beast all together.  The prickliness of the carbonation seemed to complement the tannin of the pears in a way reminiscent of the Etienne Dupont I recently shared with my sister.

It has also been interesting to see that this beer has not oxidized near as quickly as the uncarbonated half.  I knew that when yeast wake up to ferment the priming sugar, they will scavenge the oxygen remaining in the package, but it's surprising how dramatic the difference is.

This cider showed so much promise at bottling that it's disappointing to see it decline so quickly.  There is a French saying that "air is the enemy of cider," and after tasting the effects of oxidation I understand what they meant.  I wish I had fresh juice to get started on the next batch while the lessons are still fresh, but I guess I'll have to wait for fall.

Friday, June 5, 2015

#40 Denny Conn's Bourbon Vanilla Porter - Tasting

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

ABV: 8.2%-8.7%
IBU: 32
Serving Temp: 40F
Carbonation: <2.4 vol
Grade: A

Wait, wait, no THIS is the best thing I've brewed.  I think I've said that before, but really I'm serious this time.  If I had to choose my favorite style of beer--really I like all beer, but if I HAD to--I would probably pick an imperial stout or porter, a slightly darker black one, with a rich mouthfeel, deep complex malt flavors, maybe a touch of vanilla, coffee, chocolate, oak or bourbon as the mood strikes, and a dry finish.  Well, this beer kind of nailed it.  A compelling recipe and technically solid; it don't get no better than solid.

First off, this beer is black.  Like get arrested for walking on the sidewalk black.  No ifs, ands or buts about it, this thing is dark, and the only hints of mahogany are at the very corners when I shine light through it on purpose--everything you would expect from a robust porter.  However I think the most remarkable aspect to this beer's appearance is the foam--the fine, smooth, persistent foam.  I find this beer somewhat peculiar in that the head is particularly tight, sliding down the sides of the glass without any lacing, to somehow always maintains the same volume.  No matter how hard I pour, I get little more than half an inch (as shown above) of foam.  Yet no matter how slowly I drink, a quarter inch always remains.  I find it astonishing how consistent the it is, so I took this video with my phone as I took a sip.  You can judge for yourself how effective the camera work is.  I don't know what causes this behavior--maybe I should consult Dr. Bamforth--but I really like it.

So on to the important part: what's it like going down?  Awesome.  I am not possessed of the finest olfactory sense, so unless the hops stampede their way through my sinuses, I rarely consciously detect much.  If pressed, I would say I find a trace of the richer end of the spectrum vanilla and maybe chocolate... but only if pressed.

Then once it hits your lips it's so good!  A rich, smooth, chocolatey porter with the vanilla and warm bourbony flavors taking things to the next level.  This is a beer first, not a vanilla-bourbon cocktail, so it depends on what you're looking for, but it perfectly suite my tastes.

Up until this point I've treated this post as a single beer.  However if you remember the recipe post, I split the batch two ways: (A) good old fashioned Chico yeast, and (B) Denny's favorite 50 yeast.  Everything I've said is true for both, but there are some differences in the flavor.  As I learned in the session ale, Denny's has less fruitiness and emphasizes the malt flavor more than Chico.  I particularly like that quality in this beer.  The fruitiness (faint apple is how I usually percieve it) of the Chico sort of balances the roastiness, and mutes it a bit, while tying the whole beer together.  Denny's on the other hand lets the malt flavor run wild.  I like that effect since I'm trying to make a porter and want all the rich, chocolaty malt flavor I can get.

So there you have it.  I love this beer.  If (and/or when) I brew something like this again, I think I would drop the carbonation a little bit.  It tastes great and all, but I feel like the carbonation makes it feel just a tiny bit thinner and crisper than the gravity sample at bottling, and as it warms and loses carbonation it tastes better and better.  A small quibble though, as I think in Denny's yeast I've finally my yeast for dark and malty beers.

Monday, May 25, 2015

#41 Amarillo-Simcoe-Centennial XPA - Tasting

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

ABV: 5.2%
IBU: 56
Serving Temp: 38F
Carbonation: 2.6 vol
Grade: B+

It's been awhile since I've written--or brewed--so it's about time I put something up here!  The new brewery is sucking up all my time.  It's slowly starting to take shape, but that's the topic for another post.  I'm here today to talk about the "XPA" I brewed awhile back.

The idea here is something hopped like an IPA, but with lower alcohol content, like a pale ale.  I like my IPA's dry and crisp, without too much heavy malt sweetness to get in the way of the hops, so I assumed the lower gravity would make that easier.  Well I kind of missed on that one.  With the high mash temperature, I ended up with a pretty full bodied pale ale.  This is a classic example of why I can't wait to have the new brewhouse.

Other than that, I'm decently happy with this beer.  I like the way the hops came together--I've been pondering this threesome for awhile now and it's nice to see it turn out as I expected.  Amarillo setts a good fruity .  The Amarillo hops were a little old, the hopback didn't quite give me all the aroma I expected, and I'm still not getting good extraction from my dry hops (the dumb cones always want to float).  These factors all just combine to mute the hops a bit, and with the bigger body produce a "smooth" and "balanced" IPA.  Like with my fresh hop IPA last fall, that's not exactly what I was going for.

I'm holding off on brewing again until I get the new system up and running, so hopefully no more of these "well it could have been good but..." posts.  With proper processes and controls, each of these mistakes was easily avoidable.  I fully expect the next IPA to finally be something I can be proud of.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Going Semi-Pro

So this is not exactly news, but I'm in the process of opening a nano-brewery.  I've been working on this for a couple months now, preparing the space and getting all our paperwork in order.  Despite the fact that it's a rather small undertaking, it's still no small undertaking.

You can see the space we're working with above.  It's going to be a nice upgrade from working in the driveway, but certainly smaller than your local brewpub.  In the next couple weeks, we'll be building the 1 bbl brewhouse, based around kettles and fermenters from Stout Tanks and assembling the control and automation systems myself.

With all that equipment squeezed in here, there won't be room for a tasting room.  If you've ever looked at brewery business models, you know that you either have to have a busy taproom or produce orders of magnitude more beer than this to have any hope of turning a profit.

So why bother?  Well to start off I can't keep brewing beer the way I've been doing it for the last two years.  You may have noticed that I'm constantly wrestling with my equipment (and also wasting tons of time), praying that the mishaps don't completely ruin my beer.  Now only a shoddy craftsman blames his shoddy tools, but I think in this case it's on the craftsman to just scrap that way of doing things and invest in better tools.

With that decision made, I might as well get some top of the line equipment and start selling some beer to pay it off.  The system is designed to make it as easy as possible to brew two or three batches in a single brewday, with volumes ranging from 5 gal to 35 gal.  That way I can continue to brew experiments with new ingredients and processes, with only marginally more effort required to brew production batches.  Which is a good thing, because I don't have a single recipe ready to sell yet.

This whole thing will require some significant changes in the way I do things--improved recordkeeping, more precise brewing practices, and a thorough QC program--but these are all good things anyway.  This nano-brewery will be a great way to get my feet wet, understanding all the ins and outs of running a brewery, without a million dollars in start-up capital or having to quit my day job.  Either it will go well and I'll learn what I need to open a larger brewery, or I'll get over this obsession and move onto something worthwhile!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

#41 Amarillo-Simcoe-Centennial XPA - Brewday

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

This brewday was pretty ambitious.  I tried to brew the dark mild at the same time, plus I opened up the HopRocket, trying to fit that into the cold-side plumbing without having inspected it before hand to see how it works.  Well as you probably guessed, it was a bit of a mess.

To start things off, the mash temperature was way off.  I had some friends helping with the brewday which is the only reason we even got this thing off the ground, but I also should have inspected their work more closely.  It's hard to hit the strike temperature just right using a propane burner and aluminum pot as the pot continues to transmit heat to the water well after the flange is shut off.  Because of this, our strike water was likely well above the target temperature, bringing the mash to 160F instead of 150F.

Next we set to work on the hop back.  The HopRocket has 1/2" threaded fittings--the rest of the system is 3/8" hose barbs--so we had to rush to Home Depot for adapters.  Then there wasn't enough pressure to drain from the brew kettle through the hop back, the chiller, and into the fermenter, so we had to hook up the pump (also a first) and of course find out we didn't have fittings for that either.  Once that was all ready, we circulated oxi clean (haven't mixed up any home made PBW yet), water, and Star San to clean and sanitize the whole post-boil assembly.

After all those hurdles, we finally got the beer knocked out.  It flowed through the HopRocket without a hitch, though we'll see how much flavor and aroma comes through.  My initial impression was not as much as I expected.

Wort cooled to 68F, 45 sec oxygen.  Yeast pitched from smack-pack and placed in fridge at 65F.

1 Day:  Yeast is already throwing up a healthy krausen, unlike the mild...

3 Days:  Temp bumped to 70F.  Looks like there has been a bit of blowoff.  No surprise with an aggressive yeast like Chico and such little headspace.

5 Days:  Looks like there was a problem with the temperature controller (I'm getting real sick of this...) and the heater wasn't coming on.  Thankfully the yeast heated themselves up to 70F anyway (67F ambient).  I added the dry hops here as I'll be out of town for the next week.

15 Days:  Racked to keg.  Normally I would have cold crashed after 5 days to minimize extraction of unwanted flavors (not as much a concern with leaf hops) and drop any yeast still in suspension, but ... I forgot.  I was out of town and definitely not thinking about minimizing polyphenol load.

#42 Dark Mild #2 - Brewday

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

This was supposed to be a fun brewday; a bunch of friends came up to hang out, brew (and drink) some beer.  Things didn't exactly go as planned.

To start with, the mash started a little warm (160F vs. 156F), so I stirred it until the temperature dropped close to the target.  Then the mash tun decided it had had enough of my shenanigans and refused to cooperate for the rest of the brew.  I got a stuck mash on the first runnings, which with my system means a piece of the PVC manifold came off and the tubing clogged.  I learned on the barleywine from hell that I can just dump the mash into a BIAB bag in the brew kettle and just forget about getting clear wort.

Well that was all well and good the first time, but then it happened again on the batch sparge.  I couldn't just dump it in the brew kettle since there was stronger wort in there, so we had to go first into the aluminum pot I use to heat water, then dump that into the brew kettle.  It was a mess.

I'm sure I could come up with something to fix all these mash issues I'm having, but I'm working on getting a whole new brewing system, so I'm not investing much time or energy into this one.

Wort cooled to 68F, 45 sec oxygen.  Yeast pitched from smack-pack and placed in fridge at 65F.

1 Day:  No sign of fermentation yet.  It's a bit disconcerting with the XPA bubbling along next to it, but not a serious concern yet.  Different strains behave differently, plus this package was a bit older.

3 Days:  Ok, things did eventually take off, so no worries,  Temp bumped to 70F.

5 Days:  Looks like there was a problem with the temperature controller (I'm getting real sick of this...) and the heater wasn't coming on.  Thankfully the yeast heated themselves up to 70F anyway (67F ambient).

15 Days:  Racked to keg.

Friday, March 27, 2015

#42 Dark Mild #2 - Recipe

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

Last January, Steve and I tried our hand at a mild ale, a low alcohol English ale with little hops and hearty malt flavor, that makes a nice complement when there's a hoppy beer on tap.  I put together a darker recipe, aiming for something similar to Nottingham Brewery's Rock Mild.  Our recipe was relatively simple and loaded up on caramel and chocolate malt, so the final product tasted fairly simple as well.  The chocolate malt did lend some roastiness, but it wasn't exactly a chocolate roastiness, and the finish was straight peanut butter.  I've heard the "nutty" tossed around to describe beer, but it wasn't until I brewed this that I understood what that meant.  The beer wasn't bad, but certainly not what we were thinking.

Well we're again brewing a hoppy beer and wanted a low alcohol complement, so it's time to give this concept another shot.  I think the key for this beer will be to trade the chocolate malt for roasted barley (300L, not to be confused with the darker black black barley at 500L).  In the stout I brewed last fall, it gave us a nice dark chocolate flavor until I screwed up the carbonation.  In addition, we're diversifying the grist, since malt flavors tend to come through much more cleanly in lighter beers.  Adding another caramel malt, and more dark grains should make it taste less boring and hopefully less thin.

After tasting my lastest session ale, I'm really excited about Wyeast 1450 for malty beers.  It emphasized the rich malt flavors without too much fruitiness on the top, even less than Chico which I always find has a slight apple crispness.  Unfortunately the homebrew shop didn't have any in stock, so I went with Wyeast 1335 - British Ale II.  The guy at the shop liked it in his milds, and I think it will be interesting to try a new yeast.  There are so many expressive English strains that I would love to try, but just haven't had the fermentation space to compare all of them.  Someday.  In the mean time, I'll settle for another shot in the dark.

Dark Mild #2
Batch Size (fermenter): 5.25 gal
Estimated ABV: 3.5 %
Estimated OG: 1.038 SG
Estimated FG: 1.011 SG
Estimated Color: 20.4 SRM
Estimated IBU: 17.0 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amt          Name                                     %/IBU
6 lbs 8.0 oz Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (2.0 SRM)           74.3 %
8.0 oz       Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (60.0 SRM)    5.7 %
8.0 oz       Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM)                   5.7 %
8.0 oz       Roasted Barley (300.0 SRM)               5.7 %
4.0 oz       Brown Malt (30.0 SRM)                    2.9 %
4.0 oz       Caramel/Crystal Malt - 120L (120.0 SRM)  2.9 %
4.0 oz       Pale Chocolate Malt (250.0 SRM)          2.9 %
0.50 oz      Amarillo [10.60 %] - Boil 60.0 min       17.0 IBUs
1.00 tsp     Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins)          -
1.00 Items   Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 mins)        -
1.0 pkg      British Ale II (Wyeast Labs #1335)       -

Mash Schedule: 60 min Single Infusion @156F, No Mash Out, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 8 lbs 12.0 oz
Estimated Cost: $20.26

#41 Amarillo-Simcoe-Centennial XPA - Recipe

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

I found out the other day that my friend Judy has the exact same birthday as I do, so in anticipation of the event, my next beer will be her favorite style (and everybody's): IPA.  However I don't really need to have 5 gal of 7% beer beckoning from the tap everyday.  My plan is to scale this back just a bit--not quite to session IPA levels, but something like a pale ale with too many hops.  Because nobody is going to argue with that.  Now since this isn't strong enough to be an IPA, but compared to a pale ale has a little something extra, I think this beer could be called an XPA.  I'm not the first to brew something along these lines (3 Floyd's Alpha King, Drake's 1500) or use that name (Deschutes XPA, AleSmith X), but it has an X in the name and that automatically makes it cool.

The goal of this beer is to sum up my current thoughts on what an IPA should be: pale, dry. drinkable (or "chuggable" in my friend Steve's words), a perfect palette for hops to play on.  There's no reason it needs to be 9%--especially when you have to fight through malt sweetness--and I think the mid 5% range is right where I want it to be.  Pliny the Elder is a great example of the kind of malt base I'm looking for, but at 8%, the dry finish is more wizardry (and corn sugar) than a natural balance.  Those flavors could just as easily reside in a 5% package.  Clean American 2-row with just a touch of caramel and you're there.

Yeast is important, but I have to admit I haven't found a better yeast for IPA's then good ol' Chico.  I'd love to try some of the drier English strains, see if I can find one where the fruity esters complement the hops, but I don't have room for a split batch this time.  Maybe once my new brewing station is fully operational I'll have the capacity for some of these much needed experiments.

It's funny, but once this foundation is laid down, I feel like I could throw almost whatever hops on top and it would be a solid beer.  Maybe a classic 3 C's blend (à la Dale's or Universale)?  A southern hemisphere odyssey?  Experiment with something less famous like Ahtanum or Belma?  In due time I think all these are worth brewing, but this time I'm going to send Amarillo up to bat.  I've brewed several hop forward beers with it over the last year and I still have some left in my stockpile.  My previous attempts were okay, but I haven't quite hit the nail on the head; I haven't produced a beer that capitalizes on the smooth mango character while accenting it with a more piquant hop.  Simcoe is the obvious first choice, and for good reason, the two have pair beautifully in some of my favorite IPA's.  However, after my hoppy American wheat, I decided a touch of Centennial would add another sharp counterpoint to aid the Simcoe, and the lemony facet would slide in nicely alongside the Amarillo.  It's finally time to actually test that theory.

The amounts and timings I'm not real sure on, but on this batch I'll be debuting my new HopRocket, so that all goes out the window anyway.  I don't know what kind of  hop aroma/flavors to expect out of the hop back, so it will be a good experiment.  All 0 min. hops listed below will be placed in the hopback.

Amarillo-Simcoe-Centennial XPA
Batch Size (fermenter): 5.25 gal
Estimated ABV: 5.8 %
Estimated OG: 1.056 SG
Estimated FG: 1.012 SG
Estimated Color: 5.4 SRM
Estimated IBU: 57.3 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amt        Name                                     %/IBU
12 lbs     Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM)           96.0 %
8.0 oz     Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (40.0 SRM)    4.0 %
2.00 oz    Amarillo [10.60 %] - Boil 60.0 min       43.0 IBUs
1.00 tsp   Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins)          -
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 mins)        -
1.00 oz    Amarillo [10.60 %] - Boil 0.0 min        0.0 IBUs
1.00 oz    Simcoe [14.40 %] - Boil 0.0 min          0.0 IBUs
0.50 oz    Centennial [10.30 %] - Boil 0.0 min      0.0 IBUs
1.0 pkg    American Ale (Wyeast Labs #1056)         -
1.00 oz    Amarillo [10.60 %] - Dry Hop 5.0 Days    0.0 IBUs
1.00 oz    Simcoe [14.40 %] - Dry Hop 5.0 Days      0.0 IBUs
0.50 oz    Centennial [10.30 %] - Dry Hop 5.0 Days  0.0 IBUs

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion @150, No Mash Out, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 12 lbs 8.0 oz
Estimated Cost: $30.55

#39 Willamette Session Ale - Tasting

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

ABV: 4.5-5%
IBU: 36
Serving Temp: 38F
Carbonation: 2.6 vol
Grade: B+

Despite how terribly brewday went, I'm really excited about this beer!  The grain bill here is pretty cool, confirming what I thought when I first used it in the session IPA last summer, but I still have to come up with the right hops and yeast combination to complement it.

The beer is somewhere between a dark golden and a light brown.  It's interesting trying to describe this beer to people because it's too malty to be an American pale ale, too light to be a brown ale, not hoppy enough to be a session IPA, too American (in yeast and hops) to be an English bitter... I think the name I like most is just "American Session Ale."

I split the batch between two yeasts--good old Chico, and Denny's Favorite 50 from Wyeast--and I learned a lot about how they affect the beer.  I put the Chico variant on tap first, and it had a surprising amount of fruitiness.  It was sort of an appley crispness that seemed to clash a bit with all the malt flavors swirling around.  It's always hard to tell whether those flavors are from the yeast or the hops, so it was good to compare it to another yeast.  The keg made with Denny's yeast had significantly less fruitiness, with the malt more in the forefront.  This half attenuated even more than the Chico half, so there was a hint of dry toasted malt flavor that was hidden in the Chico version; a friend even described it as a "summer brown ale."  Both versions were just noticeably thin, and I think the oats I forgot on brewday would have gone a long way to filling in that emptiness.

For this beer, Denny's yeast was the clear winner.  I think this grain bill (more as I drew up the recipe than how I brewed it) is also solid, but the hops need a bit of work.  I wasn't really happy with Willamette; I haven't come up with the words to describe it, but it doesn't add what I was looking for and adds things I wasn't.  I'm not sure what it was I was looking for so it will take a bit of experimentation to figure it out.  Cascade?  Chinook?  Simcoe?  Fuggles?  Looking over descriptions of some hops I've never tried, I think Sovereign, Ella and Summer could be a good fit too.  Guess I'll just have to brew some more!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

How Long Does it Take to Brew a Beer?

When I tell people I brew beer, the most common question they ask is "How long does it take?"  (Closely followed by "Like in your bathtub?" or "So basically like Breaking Bad?")  It's a difficult question to answer since it can mean several different things:  How long does the brewday take?  How long does it take before the beer is ready to drink?  How much time do you spend on a single batch of beer?  On top of that, it can vary from batch to batch.  That's a bit much to cover to answer a casual question, so if you're interested here's the full explanation.

In terms of total time spent, maybe the longest stage of brewing is the preparation.  Researching the style (both in books and bottle), writing the recipe, outlining a process, more research.  However, it's not really fair to include all the time I spend daydreaming about beer at work.  If I could get paid by the hour for time I spent researching (and writing about) beer, I could quit my day job.  And all that doesn't even include time spent running to the homebrew store to pick up ingredients or making modifications to equipment.

This is what people most often think of when they think brewing--a giant boiling vat of mysterious ingredients which, under the bearded alchemist's watchful eye, transforms into that golden elixir we love so much.  In reality it's mostly cleaning.  Start to finish, brewday takes me about 8 hours for one batch.  The breakdown is roughly 1 hr of setup, 1hr to heat strike water and continue cleaning, 1 hr for the mash, 1 hr for vorlauf and sparge, 1 hr for boil, 1 hr for chill, and two more hours to rack to the fermenter and cleanup.  If I time things right, I can get another batch done with only a couple hours more, but this requires careful planning and that everything goes according to that plan.

Now that is of course only for my standard procedure.  Other brewers may do things differently: more involved mashing regime, longer boil, more or less time cleaning, etc.  If someone were to brew a Czech pilsner for example, the triple-decoction mash and 90 minute boil that are required when dealing with under-modified pilsner malt would both extend the brewday.  I use pure 02 to oxygenate the wort, but some homebrewers shake the wort or bubble air through it until they believe there is sufficient oxygen dissolved to support healthy yeast, maybe a 30-minute addition.  On the other end of the spectrum, extract brewers can skip the mash and sparge, going directly to the boil, effectively cutting the brewday in half.  There are a lot of variables to consider, but each brewer tends to find a rhythm in his brewery, and for me that 8 hour mark is a fairly good rule of thumb.

Fermentation and Conditioning:
Once the yeast are unleashed, the rest is mostly up to them.  There's not much for a brewer to do besides manage temperatures and keep from screwing things up.  It takes less than a week for the yeast to complete fermentation, converting all the sugar they care to digest into ethanol, carbon dioxide and a host of flavor components.

But at that point, the beer is rarely ready to drink.  The yeast often takes a few days to settle out, maybe it needs time for dark malt flavors to come together or fusel alcohols to mellow, maybe it needs time to lager, or maybe there is time set aside for dry-hopping.  It depends on the style of beer, but for something best fresh like a wheat ale or IPA, two weeks from brewday to packaging is fairly reasonable, lagers need roughly a month, and big stouts and barleywines can take up to a year.

The final step before a beer is ready to drink is packaging.  With modern force carbonation techniques a keg can be ready to drink in as little as 24 hrs.  On the other hand bottle conditioned beers take roughly 3 weeks to naturally carbonate in the bottle.  These are the two methods I practice, but there is all sorts of other middle ground with cask ales and force carbonated bottles falling somewhere in between.

Personally I tend to keg my low gravity, everyday beers since it is the quickest and easiest solution, requiring maybe an hour of brewer time to clean and sanitize equipment and take all the necessary measurements before siphoning over to the keg.  It's the kind of thing I can do on brewday while waiting for water to boil.  However if I brew a bigger beer that I shouldn't be drinking as frequently or something special that I want to horde, I will put that in bottles.  On the homebrew scale, bottling is a huge pain.  It often takes me an entire day to clean, sanitize, and fill each bottle individually by hand.  It is probably the single task I dread the most in the entire process.

So when you put that together what do you get?  Well start to finish, a beer can take anywhere from two weeks to a year to complete, but usually somewhere around four weeks.  However little of that time is spend actively brewing the beer.  Brewday takes me about eight hours, tending and packaging somewhere from two to ten, and "research" is always an ongoing process.  Most people quickly realize this is more trouble than it's worth to brew their own beer, but for some of us obsession seems to justify any investment of time.

Friday, March 6, 2015

#24 Westvleteren XII Clone - Tasting

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

ABV: 10.1%
IBU: 36
Serving Temp: 40F
Carbonation: 2.8 vol
Grade: B+

The best thing about writing about beer is that I get to drink beer while I do it.  It's even better when it's good beer.  It's even better when it's a beer as good as this one.

First things I taste is that it's super sweet.  Now I know I just finished saying how good this beer is, but it's a major flaw.  The prune flavor from the candi syrup is definitely at the forefront, but once you get past that there is a lot more going on: rich maltiness (more than I find in most American-made quads), a bit of burnt sugar from the syrup, all woven together by the yeast esters.  It's really a nice, smooth package.  The alcohol is surprisingly hidden; it's there if you look for it, but I would expect more for 10.1%.

Now a word about that under-attenuation:  As I wrote in the fermentation notes, the heater went out during fermentation and I don't think it ever got warm enough for this Westmalle yeast to really do its thing.  I've read that this yeast likes to be hot--up around 80F-- or it will drop out early, which I think happened here.  Thankfully when I added the priming sugar, the yeast just stuck to that and didn't overcarbonate the bottles like happened with the export stout.  That being said, a little more carbonation--maybe up around 3 vol--may have helped cut the sweetness.

I feel like this beer was really close to being the best beer ever, but because of the under-attenuation it definitely missed, so I really want to brew it again.  I think that the reduced sweetness will also cut the fruit flavors a bit, hopefully letting the other flavors come out a bit more.  I'm curious though if the maltiness would also be reduced.  Speaking of maltiness, the decoction mash was a huge pain in the butt.  If I were to do this again, I would definitely try it without the decoction to see if it really made a difference.  I don't think it's a big deal, but I'm worried it might be linked to that malty flavor I liked so much.  I guess I'll just have to brew it again and see!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

#37 Smoked Black IPA - Tasting

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

ABV: 7.1%
IBU: 91
Serving Temp: 38F
Carbonation: 2.7 vol
Grade: B+

I just got home from Burlington, Vermont, home of the Vermont Pub and Brewery and the first black IPA--Blackwatch--so it sounds like a good time to review my own black IPA.  Like with the saison, I want to make it clear that this is not a style I enjoy.  I don't like black IPAs, or really Chinook hops or smoked malt for that matter, so this recipe feels a lot like an alchemist boiling excrement and expecting to make gold.

So how did it turn out?  Bitter.  Lots of bittering hops plus dark malt combines for a beer that is borderline abrasive.  The only reason I say borderline is because people seem to love their abrasive ales these days, otherwise I would say the bitterness and black patent could be both dialed back just a bit.  Same goes for the smoked malt.  Bitterness is one thing, but it's real easy for smoked malt to detract from a beer if you get too much, and that's what ended up here.  I think maybe 1/2 to 2/3 the smoked malt would do the trick.

But on the other hand, I think the pieces are all there for an awesome beer.  The smokiness, when scaled back will fit surprisingly well with the dark malts.  The body is nice and light--the sugar really did the trick--and finishes exceptionally dry which I really like.  The hops are also perfect.  Chinook is definitely the hop I was looking for as the spicy and resinous flavors blend behind the aggressive malts, leaving only the piney bitterness poking through.

The hallmark of a special recipe is that the ingredients combine to form something better than the some of their parts (take water, malt, hops, and yeast for example), transforming the pieces into something new; balanced yet interesting, complex yet cohesive, flavorful.  I've brewed a couple beers that I felt that way about--the Oaked Arrogant Bastard Clone, Westvleteren XII Clone, and Jamil's Irish Red--but as you can tell, none of these were my recipes.  This beer may not taste quite that good, but I think with some refinement this recipe could indeed be something special.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

#38 Rye Ale #2 - Tasting

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

ABV: 6.0%
IBU: 36
Serving Temp: 38F
Carbonation: 2.6 vol
Grade: B

Rye Ale #2 is in the books.  Or rather my glass, I try to keep it away from books.  It's substantially different from #1; better yes, but not in the way I expected.  I missed my mark by a pretty wide margin, but the brew was clean and the beer is enjoyable in spite of itself.

To start with, the appearance is a surprisingly clear amber.  It seems the protein that gives wheat and rye ales their characteristic cloud has settled out since I kegged this batch several weeks ago.  It's also slightly lighter than I expected.  Whatever, appearance never really means much to me except as a clue to what's inside.

The aroma is mostly hops with pine and pineapple leading the way, and an herbal undercurrent rounding it out.  I really didn't expect it to be so fruity.  When I added the Columbus dry hop, I underestimated its citrusy qualities, hoping primarily for the pine side.  Lesson learned.

As I take my first sip, the taste seems to be dominated by again pineapple and grapefruit over a neutral malt base.  It's not clear whether this fruitiness is coming from the hops or the yeast, but it soon fades, indicating it was probably the aroma hops.  It's about this time that I notice how thick the beer is.  It's not sweet--actually it tastes quite dry, with a crispness (in a sense) you would expect from a dry lager--but there's a surprising amount of viscosity; it makes for an odd pairing.  Then as I swallow, a different set of flavors emerge.  The malt flavor come forward, with a bit of light toast and rye spiciness, then the hop bitterness dries it all up.  I'm really digging the finish; it's much closer to what I originally imagined.

I guess this beer came out closer to what I expected from the first batch than what I had planned for this batch.  The malts flavors are nice, but you have to excavate them from under the frutiness.  Columbus is definitely not the hop I was looking for, but I could see experimenting with Chinook, or one of several varieties of German hops.  I think next time I'll also add back the Crystal 80L malt, maybe just 5%.  It seems like it would help fill a gap in the malt profile that I can't articulate.  However it would also add even more body which might be something I want to scale back.  A protein or beta-glucan rest might be worthwhile to try to reign in the rye without losing its flavor, or dropping the gravity back on target could be sufficient.  Also I'm not sure it was worth using pilsner malt here.  This beer is fairly German, so I figured it would be appropriate, but it's subtle influence is buried under all the other layers of flavor and not worth the extra cost.  Last thing I want to experiment with is the yeast. I mentioned in the recipe post that I considered using alt or Kolsch yeast, and I'd still like to see how that idea turns out.

Now that I've started tweaking this recipe, it seems I have a lot of work to do before I dial in something I'm happy with.  At least it came out clean, with no major brewday faults, or rubbery off-flavors (I'm looking at you rye #1).  Simple execution goes a long way towards getting to know your recipe.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

#40 Denny Conn's Bourbon Vanilla Porter - Brewday

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

Another solid brewday.  It don't get no better than solid.  Chris and Steve came up to help out, and we really tore through the work, brewing this porter, bottling the blackberry wine, kegging the session ale, and polishing off a growler of the rye ale.

The mash started off with a bit of a mistake.  I left the valve on the mash tun open so as I was dumping in the strike water I lost who knows how much.  The mash in turn came in under temperature at 146F, so I added a gallon of boiling water to bring it up to 151F.  The mash tun was filled right to the brim, but we didn't lose anything.  After that, I let the mash run its course--it's 90 minute course--and ran off as usual.

When I measured the SG and pH of the first runnings, it was a bit low at 5.09 (I usually target 5.4).  This batch features tons of dark and crystal malts in a thick grist/liquor ratio so it's no surprise that the mash is fairly acidic.  However, I thought I accounted for this using calculated baking soda and chalk additions to raise the pH.  I think part of the problem was that I forgot to give the chalk time to dissolve into the strike water (well at least as well as it ever does), instead I just tossed all the salts right into the mash at dough in.  Whatever, it shouldn't be a big deal.  The biggest drawback is reduced alpha amylase activity, but the 90-minute mash should have more than compensated, and Braukaiser even lists some benefits of a lower mash pH (as in 5.2-5.4).

After two batch sparges, I came up a little short on wort, but high on gravity.  Instead of adding more water to meet my target, I cut the boil 15 minutes short; the only reason I specified a two hour boil was to accommodate extra sparge water anyway.  The boil was uneventful, and with the extra hands, cleanup was a breeze.  I harvested 130 ml each of Chico and Denny's Favorite 50 yeast from the Willamette session ale split batch and pitched them into the two carboys.

Forgot to add yeast nutrient during the boil, 45 sec 02, yeast pitched at 60F, temp set to 66F.

3 Days: Fermentation is progressing, but no aggressive blow off.  Temp upped to 70F.

3 Weeks: Racked to secondary.  Fermentation looks like it was pretty tame.  The foam never reached any higher than in the picture.  Like with the session ale, the Denny finished a couple points lower than the Chico.  I'm worried we might have a tiny bit of autolysis here, not sure exactly what that's supposed to smell/taste like though so I'll have to study up.  I also tested out the bourbon (or in this case Westland American single malt) dosing on the gravity sample; it was tough to adjust the bourbon precisely with such a small dose, but I think 1.5 oz/gal will be good without being overwhelming.

3/10/15:  Mixed up two jars of vanilla and whiskey to extract and sanitize the vanilla.  6 oz and 1.5 vanilla beans each.  I used the Westland American single malt instead of the Maker's Mark the recipe called for (since we have it on hand), and ordered the Madagascar Bourbon vanilla beans from Beanilla.

3/17/15:  After a week, we added the whiskey and bourbon to the fermenters.

3/29/15  This thing is finally in the bottles!  It spent two weeks with the bourbon and vanilla mixed in, in addition to the one the beans spent in the whiskey alone, and I think that was just about right.  I'm not sure how much more flavor it may have extracted from the beans--this is my only experiment with vanilla so far--but both the aroma and flavor are fantastic.  I get a nice caramely vanilla on the nose and a smooth, dry chocolate flavor with just a hint of bourbon and vanilla.  I aimed for 2.4 vol of carbonation (though since it has aged a bit, this could drop as far as 2.0 vol), but this beer tastes so good flat that I poured a little of the priming sugar solution out to avoid over carbonating it and losing the amazing balance it already has.

Friday, January 23, 2015

#40 Denny Conn's Bourbon Vanilla Porter - Recipe

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

I love stouts and porters, but the only one I've brewed this winter was the export stout that came out way too carbonated.  I would think that would be something I would always have on hand, but as it turns out, the last successful stout was the dry Irish stout I did for last St. Patrick's Day.  It's about time I changed that.

There are lots of things I want to try, but the recipe I settled on is Denny Conn's Bourbon Vanilla Porter recipe.  Denny Conn is something of a homebrewing legend, author of a few homebrewing books, and a member of the AHA governing committee.  His recipes have made the rounds of the internet as they are made specifically for the homebrew scale.  This one caught my eye when I first started brewing--as did descriptions of his favorite yeast, Wyeast 1450--so it's been on my to do list for awhile.

The recipe itself is a bold robust porter, with vanilla bean and a touch of bourbon added to secondary.  I love big barrel aged beers (as does everybody apparently) so if I can make something comparable and save the $12 a bottle, I'll be a happy camper.  I have no thoughts to add on the recipe composition since it's not mine, the only tweak is to use hops I have on hand and scale it up to 8 gal so I can do a split batch to try the Wyeast 1450 head to head against good old Chico.

Denny Conn's Bourbon Vanilla Porter
Batch Size (fermenter): 8.00 gal
Estimated ABV: 8.2 %
Estimated OG: 1.078 SG
Estimated FG: 1.016 SG
Estimated Color: 37.1 SRM
Estimated IBU: 31.8 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.00 %
Boil Time: 120 Minutes

Amt            Name                                     %/IBU
17 lbs 8.0 oz  Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM)           64.2 %
4 lbs          Munich Malt (9.0 SRM)                    14.7 %
2 lbs          Brown Malt (65.0 SRM)                    7.3 %
1 lbs 12.0 oz  Chocolate Malt (350.0 SRM)               6.4 %
1 lbs 6.0 oz   Caramel/Crystal Malt - 120L (120.0 SRM)  5.0 %
10.0 oz        Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (40.0 SRM)    2.3 %
1.00 oz        Columbus [16.10 %] - Boil 60.0 min       27.2 IBUs
1.00 oz        Willamette [7.50 %] - Boil 10.0 min      4.6 IBUs
1.0 pkg        American Ale (Wyeast Labs #1056)         -
1.0 pkg        Denny's Favorite (Wyeast Labs #1450)     -
3.00 Items     Vanilla Bean (Secondary 14.0 days)       -
12.00 oz       Bourbon (Bottling)                       -

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion @150F, No Mash Out, 2x Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 27 lbs 4.0 oz
Estimated Cost: $63.92

Saturday, January 17, 2015

#31 Export Stout - Tasting

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

I'm not going to waste a whole lot of time on a detailed review of this beer, because it's ridiculously overcarbonated.  I had one explode in storage as it was carbonating, blowing out the bottom of the bottle.  The others pour straight foam, then what's left in the bottle climbs right out to sit on the table next to you.  I can let some of the beer sit until it starts to go flat--meaning normal--but there's the CO2 leaves a vicious carbonic bite that obscures further analysis.

Why did this happen?  Well there's always a chance I mis-measured the priming sugar, but I take good notes, and looking at them now I doubt that's what happened.  A more likely scenario is that when the yeast woke up to go after the priming sugar, they went on to finish off some residual sugars left over from fermentation.  In my fermentation notes, I wrote that the temperature dropped to 62F after 5 days and had appeared to stop fermentation at SG 1.020.  It dropped a couple more points in secondary, but in all likelihood it could have used to shed another.

All that being said, here are a few notes from the gravity sample at bottling:

  • This is super chocolaty, with a milk chocolate flavor that I like.  Still a bit sweet though.
  • I'm getting the same root beer flavor I remember from last year's oatmeal stout.  Now that I've worked with the Guinness yeast a little bit more, that's definitely the source.  It's cool to taste the alchemical transformation of yeast esters and roasted malts into root beer flavors.
  • Lighter roast barley plus black patent does not equal dark roast barley.  The dark roast barley in my dry stout last year was more along the lines of dark chocolate, while the lighter roast barley is more of a milk chocolate, with coffee notes from the black patent.  I'm really impressed with the depth of flavor in the roast barleys though.
  • I need to brew more stouts!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

#39 Willamette Session Ale - Brewday

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

This was one of those days where everything seemed to go wrong.  To start things off, I realized the brew kettle, with all its nooks and crannys, needed a thorough cleaning, so I gave it a good soak in oxi-clean during the mash.  Unfortunately it took forever to scrub it out, so I had to extend the mash a bit.

After more than a two hour mash (including mash out), I was finally able to run off.  Unfortunately I lost a piece of the manifold stirring in the sparge water (batch sparge), so the whole thing got clogged with grain bits.  I ended up pouring the whole thing into a sparge kettle with a BIAB bag and just squeezing the bag for the lauter.

It was somewhere around this time that I also remembered I forgot to add the oats.  Oops.  Whatever, let's just throw the hops in and be done with all this.  Oh, wait this recipe calls for an extra 30 min boil before the 60 min hop addition.  I guess it's just one of those days.

I also hooked up the counterflow chiller (part of the long cleaning process mentioned above) for the first time since going all-grain.  I hadn't been confident in my ability to keep it clean, so without being able to inspect it, I decided it was best just not to touch it.  Well this time I ran hot oxi-clean through, then a rinse and several gallons of Star San to sanitize.  Once clean, it was certainly a huge timesaver, as I could cut out the hour spent waiting for the immersion chiller to work, instead running off straight through the chiller and into the fermenters.  This may be the only reason I survived this brewday.

No 02, yeast pitched directly from smack packs, Chico from December and Denny from August, pitched at 54F, temp set to 66F.

5 Days: temp set to 70F.

3 Weeks:  Racked to kegs.  Tastes pretty good, but the SG finished lower than I expected (1.010 and 1.007), so there's more alcohol than expected.

Friday, January 2, 2015

#39 Willamette Session Ale - Recipe

Recipe     -     Brewday     -     Tasting

With four days off for new years, I can't think of a better way to celebrate than by brewing more beer.  Unfortunately after coming back from Christmas I don't have any yeast ready to go.  That means I'll have to brew a small beer so I can use a yeast pack without making a starter.  Most of the things I have on my to-brew list require a lot of yeast--pilsner, kolsch, IPA, vanilla bourbon porter--so I'll use this batch to build up a healthy pitch for that porter.

The recipe here is built around the grain bill I used in the session IPA I brewed this summer.  The hops and malt flavors were both bold and tasty on their own, but didn't seem to fit well together.  I basically scaled the malt bill up to 6 gallons (with the victory and carastan malts rounded up) so I could split it in half for two different yeasts.  I want to try Wyeast 1450 Denny's Favorite 50 in the porter, and as always, I like to have a baseline when trying a new yeast, so I'll do the other half with good old Chico.

After that I'll throw in a bit of Willamete hops.  Like Cascade, I'm not worried about Willamette overwhelming the beer.  The earthy/citrusy mix should go well with the malt and yeast here, plus it gives me a chance to learn a bit about one hop on its own.  I used just Willamette in the parti-gyle bitter and barleywine, but the bitter went quick and I still haven't bottled the barleywine, so it's good to take another look while I have a pound of the stuff.

Willamette Session Ale
Batch Size (fermenter): 6.00 gal
Estimated ABV: 3.6 %
Estimated OG: 1.039 SG
Estimated FG: 1.011 SG
Estimated Color: 6.8 SRM
Estimated IBU: 34.1 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amt           Name                                     %/IBU
4 lbs 8.0 oz  Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM)           45.0 %
3 lbs 8.0 oz  Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM)                    35.0 %
12.0 oz       Carastan - 30-37L (35.0 SRM)             7.5 %
12.0 oz       Victory Malt (25.0 SRM)                  7.5 %
8.0 oz        Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM)                   5.0 %
1.00 oz       Willamette [7.50 %] - Boil 60.0 min      21.2 IBUs
1.00 oz       Willamette [7.50 %] - Boil 20.0 min      12.9 IBUs
1.00 tsp      Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins)          -
1.00 Items    Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 mins)        -
1.00 oz       Willamette [7.50 %] - Boil 0.0 min       0.0 IBUs
1.0 pkg       American Ale (Wyeast Labs #1056)         -
1.0 pkg       Denny's Favorite (Wyeast Labs #1450)     -

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion 60min @ 156F, Mash Out, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 10 lbs
Estimated Cost: $30.50